I aspire to make the world, or at least our little microcosm, a more kind and loving place. I believe therapy can help us become better versions of ourselves, deepen connection with each other, and bring more kindness to our relationships. Our innate capacity to heal and grow, both within and in relation with others, is strengthened by the guidance of genuine human connection.
My framework as a therapist centers around my focus on fostering deeper connections with each other and bringing more kindness to ourselves and our relationships. My work, whether in the context of individual, couples or family therapy, support groups, or psychoeducation workshops, is geared to enhance communication skills and more effective collaboration and conflict resolution.
I am licensed in Pennsylvania in both Clinical Social Work and Marriage and Family Therapy. I also have a post-graduate certificate in Sex Therapy, with additional training in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Mindfulness-based Play-Family Therapy (MBPFT), and Sand Tray Therapy. I have experience teaching workshops in Couples Communication, Co-parenting, and Sexuality.
Robin Greenberg